at the heart of the action
at the heart of the action
at the heart of the action
at the heart of the action
at the heart of the action
at the heart of the action
Our story
The story begins in 1951. Roger Demetz, an avid scuba diver, created the first goggle scuba diving sight.
Since then, whatever the sport and the associated constraints, DEMETZ has always aimed to improve the vision of sportsmen and women in fields as varied as cycling, skiing, team sports, shooting...
Today, thanks to this passion and all its expertise, DEMETZ is recognized as the specialist in sight sports.

In 2015, DEMETZ joined forces with OPAL
In 2015, DEMETZ joined forces with OPAL to become a single company OPAL DEMETZ.
By combining the technical expertise of DEMETZ and the sales and marketing strength ofOPAL , OPAL DEMETZ created DEMETZ SAFETY and today offers a range dedicated to protection in the workplace.
OPAL DEMETZ has its warehouse close to its offices in Lyon, where some 3 million glasses are distributed every year. OPAL DEMETZ therefore has full control over its supply chain and transport management, both in France and abroad.
Protecting the vision so precious to our daily lives is the reason why Demetz Safety wants to to support workers.
We draw on our expertise in glasses via OPAL and in glass via DEMETZ to create innovative solutions in our industrial protection range. This knowledge has enabled us to build a collection that is perfectly suited to the PPE market.
Our technical experience in specific frames and our in-depth knowledge of the optical market make DEMETZ SAFETY a key player in the glasses protective eyewear sector.

OPAL DEMETZ wins EcoVadis Bronze Medal for its CSR performance
OPAL DEMETZ recently carried out a comprehensive assessment of its CSR practices with ECOVADIS. We were awarded the Bronze Medal, placing us in the top 22% of companies in our sector. The theme for which we obtained the best results was the Environment. The EcoVadis process validates our CSR commitments, practices and performance.